Application Information

Application Information

Selection for all positions is highly competitive and is based on academic performance, experience, and interest in historic preservation. Applications may be submitted year round; however, first consideration will be given to application packets received by the following priority deadlines.

Priority Deadlines

Fall Semester: June 15

Spring Semester: November 15

Summer: Check with us

Application Requirements

Application: Download the application here.

  • Resume: Current resume including employment and educational experience.
  • Writing Sample: Examples may include student papers, research reports, walking tour brochures, media articles, museum exhibit photos/text, journal articles, press releases, or National Register nominations.
  • Statement of Interest Cover Letter: The CHP’s work is varied and includes such services as resource identification, documentation and preservation, architectural assessment and recommendations, heritage tourism, heritage education, exhibit development, research and publications, and museum and visitor services. Review CHP programs. Describe your interest in, and possible contribution to, the work of the CHP.

Submit files in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The Application for Student Academic Support is already an editable and saveable PDF form. Email all four files as attachments to Depending on file size, you may need to submit in more than one email. You will receive a confirmation by email.

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